Visiting the distant lands of Patagonia had been a dream of mine for many years, and in 2019 that dream became a reality. Accompanied by my good friend and amazing photographer Bryce Mironuck, we embarked on a trip of a lifetime. On the forth morning of our trip, we woke up to the sound of rain and heavy winds. Both Bryce and I were reluctant to leave the safety of our tent, however we knew that the weather could change on a dime in Patagonia. We packed our bags, drove to the trailhead and continued the trek on foot in the dark to an area we knew had potential for great compositions. As we hiked through the grasslands, we noticed the Cuernos Spires started to reveal themselves and a dark red hue formed off to the east as the clouds started to dissipate. Suddenly the hurricane force winds and freezing cold temperatures didn't dampen our mood. In fact, it fueled our ambition to photograph an area with conditions every landscape photographer dreams of.
After a quick scramble down to the lakeshore, Bryce and I diverted and searched for our compositions. Thankfully I was able to find this composition relatively quick and it allowed me to take a moment to soak in the views before the light hit. It was a powerful feeling being all alone in a place 13,000km away from home. I felt more alive than ever hunkered down in the rocks while being bombarded by heavy winds and waves while staring up at the monstrous towers in front of me. All the preparation up to this point had been justified, however from this point forward was uncharted territory and I had no control over anything. All I could do was react to the conditions to the best of my abilities. Landscape photography in its purest form is the most humbling experience.