With a career of only four years, I always wanted to photograph birds, but one of the birds I always wanted to photograph was the blue tit, perhaps because of its varied and gorgeous colours. I always tried to find a way to get close to this bird, but I never did. In the area where I live, there are not many great tits, and it is difficult to stay close to photograph them because they are very shy.
On this day, I decided to wake up early for another day of work in the field. I got several images of other birds, but this image impressed me the most. I finally had the opportunity to photograph a blue tit. This bird gave me approximately four seconds to photograph it. When I noticed the bird had landed on this tree, I just had time to focus and calm down, point the lens at the bird, make the composition I wanted and take the photograph.
After this bird left, I just wanted to see the images. When I looked at the back of the camera, I saw this image that curiously was the last one I had taken. It was the image that best portrays the personality of this blue tit - the intimate moment portrays the calm of this bird and shows its varied colours.