Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8
f/5.6, 1/10sec, ISO 64
I had been there a couple of times before and only had a little luck capturing a good picture, but that was years ago. This time I had matured as a photographer, so I was feeling hopeful.
The days so far had been full of perfectly clear skies, which is excellent for a vacation but less so for a photo trip. Many variants have to fall in place to capture a great 'golden hour' picture. There has to be detail in the sky, or at least something in the atmosphere for the light to reflect off of. But there can’t be so much that the light can’t get through.
The next morning’s forecast looked partly cloudy, which I knew would mean my best chance so far of capturing a fabulous golden hour picture. I woke around 04:00 to leave my campsite and headed to the park. With sunrise at 06:30, this might seem overkill, but those of us who have tried to get golden hour pictures in particularly busy national parks know that you have to get there before the crowds to secure your spot.
When I arrived at the Double Arch parking area around 05:30, an hour before sunrise, many people were already there. But, lucky for me, they were crowding around Windows, a popular spot for sunrise on the opposite side of the parking area as Double Arch.
I waited patiently at Double Arch and enjoyed being in such a beautiful place. No one wandered near Double Arch, so on that particular morning, I had it to myself. The color I was hoping for pretty soon emerged in the sky, and I captured the desired picture.
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