For many years I had the vision of such a scene where everything is white and the snow covers the trunks as if it was part of their bark. This place in the Reserve was the only spot close to my house allowing me enough space to photograph the whole scene I dreamed about. A group of trees standing up without obstruction from other falling trunks or branches going in all directions. However, for this vision to realize, the snow must be humid, the temperature mild and it must be windy, a rare combination in my place. Moreover, when such conditions happen, the snow melts rapidly and the trees don’t remain white for long, so it had to be close to my house.
This scene was facing West while the winds usually go Eastward and blow on the back side of these trees! I needed a storm wind going westward! Then, one morning of mid-December, the first snow arrived during a small storm. The weather was mild and the snowflakes melted slowly on my house windows. The snow was sticking to the tree trunks and the direction of the wind looked good. I had been waiting for this weather for three years!
With my wife, we went to the natural reserve. Once arrived, we were in ecstasy towards the beauty and perfection of the scene. Everything was pure white, everything was silent, the wind had stopped, the snow ended and the temperature was mild. It was better than I imagined! In addition to the snow covering the trunks from their head to their foot like cotton wool, the storm was perfectly perpendicular to the trail and sent snowflakes only on the central part of the trunks, leaving each side snowless. The result was perfect!
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Dimitri Vasileiou • Editor