Summer is ending. Autumn is upon us, and the Aosta Valley peaks are starting to fill with the whiteness of snow. The Sun is still shining, and it is still warm. We set off along the path that leads to the Lenteney waterfall when, suddenly, the Mont Maudit chain belonging to the fantastic Mont Blanc group appears in the background.
The flowers are decidedly dry. Here is the first autumn vision of this year. Mont Maudit is a peak in the Mont Blanc Massif between Mont Blanc and Mont Blanc du Tacul on the border between Italy and France. The name of this mountain derives from the legend according to which evil spirits, devils, and nefarious geniuses flew around Mont Blanc and without peace after countless attempts; they never succeeded in conquering the summit.
However, one day, Madre Natura, our supreme mother, realized the goodness of the local population and definitively ended the curse. The spirits of evil, however, will never leave from up there, and if man continues not to respect Nature, they will always find an evil way to take revenge by causing avalanches, landslides and fatal falls. Let us, therefore, contemplate these silent landscapes offered by Nature in the harmony of peace, stopping in the shady areas in the first cold weather.
Given the large shadow area, it's enough to use the landscape mode scene without further underexposing. In this way, we capture the essence of this transition from summer to autumn in the Alpine flora and flowers before us.
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Dimitri Vasileiou • Editor