After 20 hours of flight across 3 different countries from Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada to Patagonia, I felt that this is one of my biggest adventures and accomplishment to travel into the edge of the world called Patagonia. They called world hiking capital and epic places to shoot landscape. Weather in Patagonia is very temperamental and unpredictable, like curtains that can closes and open in a seconds. I guess to go this place you need to be skilled or a good photographer to shoot with all these kind of weather conditions. They say there's no such a bad weather into a good photographer. During our last day of our trip in Salto Grande were lucky enought to have this short window of lights that made all our trip a success. It's like an icing on a cake with all our hard work. It's a blessing for me to stand up into a breathtaking location like this over Torres del Paine National Park that most landscape photographers dreaming of.
A really a great experience and scary moments too to stand up into this location. Windy and wild up there that the winds started to push me off the cliff during that time. But then, I realized that one mistake is all over for me. So I moved back and went down right away even though i didn't get the shots that I want. But after the processed it turned out to be one of the epic shots that I took. Sometimes you don't think about the fear when you really want to accomplished and achieve something. It's just an instinct to all of us that we need to be there and get the shots that we want. It's just a nature to some of us. So I believed that If you don't try or take the risk then one day you will regret it that you didn't do go home and be sorry, and not only that there's no story for you to tell. I can't wait to go back to these kind of adventures after the Covid and all the exploration around the world. I'm sure everyone of you out there too.