I recently showed you on my VIP page https://landscapephotographymagazine.com/08/11/2021/massif-de-charlevoix-petite-riviere-saint-francois-quebec-canada an image of the Massif de Charlevoix during autumn. This is the beautiful wintertime view. From the top of this steep ski run can be captured a gorgeous view of the St-Laurence River.
The coastal mountains meeting the river shoreline create wonderful perspectives. The small island in the middle, Isle-aux-Coudres, looks even more isolated in the cold grey of the water. The St-Laurence River has tides that can reach 7 meters. It never freezes in the middle but the shorelines are full of ice blocks. To assure that my raw file would have enough information in the shadows, I overexposed the shot by a full stop, (ETTR), and returned the tones to their original beauty in post-processing.