Over the years I have lost count of the number of people who have contacted me to ask advice regarding pursuing photography as a career choice. From school leavers to university students, through to hobbyist photographers wishing to change career.
As somebody who turned a hobby into a profession over a decade ago, I am only too aware of the appeal of becoming a full-time professional landscape photographer. What’s not to like? You get to be your own boss and spend your time in the outdoors, photographing beautiful landscapes.
As you will no doubt already know, and any honest pro will confirm, the reality is not quite as idyllic as that. The question I often find myself asking is: After all this time would I consider going back to a regular job? My answer is always the same, a resounding ‘absolutely not’. But if I could have my time again, knowing what I now do about the decline of the industry would I have still made the decision to turn pro? Well ...
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