I often go to Point Holes to capture a variety of it's splendid shoreline. On this day, January 11/21, I arrived early to catch the sunrise. I was not disappointed. As the sun cut through the clouds and reflected on the waters of The Strait Of Georgia. The light beam on the water stretched from the horizon to the rocky shore . It took my breath away. I had to stop and catch my breath, slow down, and put my Canon 24-10 F4LIS on my Canon 6D MARK 11. I change my location a few times before taking this shot.
Point Holmes is located in the Comox Valley on the East side of Vancouver Island.
AS I live hear I have many opportunities to capture many wonderful landscape and seascapes images. The valley has the ocean on the east and the Beaufort Mountain range on the west. I do consider myself lucky to live in such a beautiful place.
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