This image was taken with an entry-level Nikon D3300, as I was just starting in the world of digital photography. I was always a film hobbyist and never wanted to let go of the film world until I got my hands on a DLSR. Now, the crop sensor of the D3300 is not the best in the world, but it did teach me the basics of photography. I have since upgraded to the D750, which is worlds away from the crop sensor and one lens I was carrying around, but this image shows the level of knowledge and understanding I was dealing with at the time.
This image comes from the lake shore off of Lake Erie outside of Cleveland, Ohio. It was a dreary late winter, early spring day along the lake shore with not much going on. There were a few flocks of annoying gull to shoo away to get any kind of decent shot, the skies were giving me some very mild dramatic colors, but nothing extremely notable, the waters weren't even giving me any real action, so why did I take the image?
I am intrigued by the dramatic effect that lighthouses add to certain scenes. This one, way out off the banks of Lake Erie, does give you an eerie (pun unintended) feeling when you look across the waters. It lies there unassumingly on that cold, abysmal rocky shore.