While visiting Bandon on the Oregon coast, we followed the streets along the water's edge, the Coquille River and the Pacific Ocean. If the sun peeked out through the clouds, it looked like there might be a sunset.
We were at the end of 1st Street, at the corner of 1st and Edison, when the sun decided to appear below the clouds. I quickly parked but didn't have time to get my DSLR (5D Mk III) and tripod out and set it up. It wouldn't have worked anyway because I needed to be elevated above ground level.
I noticed some stairs going up the side of a nearby building. I opened the gate at the bottom of the stairs and ran up the stairs high enough to get a clear view of the sunset. Using my iPhone 13 Pro, I photographed the sunset as the sun was coming out from above the clouds and before it disappeared behind the horizon. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time to be able to catch the sunset before it was gone.