In this landscape photo from southern France, a majestic mountain landscape stretches before us, capturing the breathtaking beauty of the Maritime Alps. In the picture's foreground, we can see the charming village of Bouyon, perched like an eagle's nest on a steep mountainside of the typical elongated V valleys of the Cote d'Azur backcountry, fascinating us with its unique charm. Bouyon is located about 15 km northwest of Nice in the Provence-Alpes-Cotes d'Azur region, embedded in the chain of hills of the Parc Naturel Regional des Prealpes d'Azur.
The picture's colours capture the mood of an autumn sunrise in October. The foreground is covered with dense bushes that shimmer in autumnal green-yellow hues. Behind, the mountain ranges of the Maritime Alps stretch out in blue-purple hues, providing a stunning backdrop. The peaks of Mont Bego (2817 m), located in France, and Italy's Monte Argentera (3297 m), the highest mountain in the Maritime Alps, can be seen in the distance, rising majestically into the sky.
The autumnal sunlight coming into the picture from the right gives the landscape a warm and inviting atmosphere. Although the sun is not directly visible, we can feel its warm light and enjoy the soft shadows on the mountain slopes and valleys. In the middle of the picture, the village of Bouyon sits proudly on the mountainside, giving the impression that it has the perfect overview of the surrounding landscape.
The photo is a two-line panorama composed of six shots with an original size of 130x130 cm. My location was on the side of the road coming from Bezaudun-les-Alpes towards Buyon and Gilette, on the guard rail in a blind left-hand bend just before the village of Bouyon, at an altitude of about 600 m. Through a small vista in the dense bushes, I was able to capture this breathtaking view. The time of shooting was 7:25 in the morning at the end of October.
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