Iconic locations
A recent email conversation with an LPM member about popular locations prompted this month’s letter.
When I scout a new area with a future photo tour in mind, my first priority is to capture images of the iconic locations of that area, before I then concentrate on capturing images that suit my own personal taste. I know that clients who will join me there will want to photograph the iconic locations, and they are named as such for good reason; exquisite views, outstanding viewpoints that lead the eye to breathtaking scenes and, quite often, easy access for all. When we see a picture of an extraordinary location, it is natural to want to visit and create our own version of that image.
For most people it is not about how many times a particular location has been photographed, rather more about visiting and photographing it themselves.
Besides, after the digital revolution in photography, and as it stands today, I can't think of many places on this planet that have not become iconic – and I am not talking of places where one needs to be young and fit to visit.
It is certainly an interesting topic of debate and many of us have our own views on the subject so we have published two different articles, Benefits Of Photographing Iconic Locations and Benefits Of Photographing Unknown Locations. I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts.
Dimitri Vasileiou, Editor of LPM
[email protected]