Back to our roots?
As landscape photographers, we all share the same struggle. How to best reach our audience who will view, interact with and share our images.
I have read many blogs about ways to expose and promote oneself online. Many support social media exposure which can potentially introduce your work to hundreds or even thousands of people. But are these the right audience to be reaching? Does harvesting ‘Likes’ do us, as photographers or our work any good?
It’s certainly a debate that will rage on for a good while yet and, with the social media giants constantly changing their algorithms and some now only allowing us to reach less than 0.5% of our followers organically, it leaves many people reassessing how beneficial social media has become to landscape photographers in these current times and how to best adapt to these changes.
Like many of you, I still remember clearly the days before social media. Back then, one of the key ways to reach your audience was through various photographic forums; displaying your images, asking for and offering advice, sharing experiences and techniques and becoming part of a like-minded community. A community sense that some feel is lacking in today’s fast-paced social media era.
Would the solution be to go back to our roots, turning once again to photographic forums? Social media is certainly here to stay, but are we now rethinking how we use it? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Dimitri Vasileiou, Editor of LPM
[email protected]