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We all know that it has been a chaotic past year. The pandemic has turned our lives upside down – many have lost their jobs, their income, their businesses. I truly hope that, when all of this is far behind us, a new dawn will break and we can build our lives again – perhaps in an even better and more sustainable way than before.
Saying all that, there is one thing that we cannot complain about. Many of us had plenty of free time on our hands, giving us a unique opportunity to reevaluate our lives, think of new ideas, change some of our habits, reorganise our homes. One thing I am sure many of us photographers have also done, myself included, is to revisit old image files, re-live the memories and oftentimes even reprocessing them. To any of you who have done just this, why not head to the LPM website, upload them and see them published in a future issue of the magazine.
Dimitri Vasileiou, Editor of LPM
[email protected]