eBook • Photographer's Guide to Isle of Lewis, Scotland

Save yourself hours of research and headache, we have already done the work for you. Simply photograph Lewis at your ease.

This is a guide eBook that will help you find photographic locations on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland with high precision. We share with you all the knowledge about the area, accompanied with countless of research hours, online and on location alike.

This is what you get in this ebook:

  • Advice about the best time of year and best time of day you should be there
  • Things to do and things to avoid
  • General tips
  • Sat Nav co ordinates to all destinations
  • The best and most well known locations as well as some hidden gems
  • High quality pdf for your PC/Mac, Laptop, iPad, iPhone and most small devices
  • High resolution images that can be printed (personal use only)

PDF format eBook, 36 pages, 29mb • Price £19.95

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