Website search
We love receiving image uploads from our members, many of which get posted on the LPM website and shared across our social media platforms with more than 300,000 members and followers.
Magazine index
If you own all magazine issues and wish to have a full index of their content at your fingertips, download the magazine index file. You can find all content by title, by author and by category. The file format is in xlsx format. We will do our best to keep this index list updated. On the website's navigation bar, choose ACCOUNT > Magazine Index.
Blocked email responses
For various reasons, most of them unknown, email providers regularly block mail sent by certain companies from reaching their client’s accounts. Unfortunately, some LPM emails seem to fall into this category, meaning our mail cannot reach you even when responding to an email you sent us. Some of the most frequently blocked providers are, and @btconnect. If you are using one of these providers and do not receive a response from us, it will be because our email has been blocked, as we reply to every request we receive. Besides frequently checking your junk mail, you can contact your email provider and request to add to their whitelist. Ultimately, if the issue is causing you repeated problems, the simplest solution is to replace your email address with a more accessible one, such as
Picture duration on site
If you are wondering why some of the images you have published on the website have been deleted, the answer is that the majority of published images stay on the site for two months. Only VIP members can display their published pictures on the website for as long as their membership is active, which could be forever.