I recently left home for a business meeting. It was a cloudy day with snow showers predicted. I had a three-hour drive to my destination, so I budgeted extra time to travel on secondary roads and stop on the side of the road to capture images along the way.
I have never photographed during snow showers. I was always worried that the snow would wet my lens and camera. Near St-Cuthbert, on a rural road crossing the agricultural field, I spotted a colorful creek surrounded by white fields with white flakes in the air.
The color contrasts impressed me. I stopped the car and parked safely on the side of the road to capture this scene. My problem was getting the image without exposing my lens to the snow. The solution was to use the car as a shelter, so I rolled down the passenger window. I composed the image with a 140 mm focal length (35 mm eq). I overexposed by 1.7 stops to have a perfect histogram (ETTR).
I was pleased with my choice of detour. I stopped at several spots to take advantage of gorgeous images. It was well worth the delay and made normally mundane driving to work pleasurable.