In April of 2018, my wife and I decided to go all out, and booked a two week, professionally led photo tour of Patagonia. The route started in south central Chile, passed into Argentina, and ended up back in Chile at Torres del Paine National Park.
The first two days looked good, but then it turned rainy. We lost several days of shooting gorgeous mountains due to the rain and clouds that totally obscured the view. Sometimes we would find a waterfall or river as an alternative, plus a lot of guanacos, and we did get a couple of rainbows.
As if that was not enough, in the middle of the trip the main vehicle broke down. We lost another full day in a nowhere tiny town waiting for alternative transportation. Even when we were moving again, there were still the low clouds and rain.
At one point when we were at a waterfall, the conditions were not a problem because it can be better to shoot when it is overcast. I spent a lot of time looking at compositions of the waterfall, and shot several variations. Finally, I thought I was done, and started walking back to the vehicle. Downstream from the falls, Mostly as an afterthought, I liked the look of the rocks, moss, and fallen leaves at the water's edge. I was shooting hand-held, so I gave it a bit more ISO and aperture than I usually do to get the exposure to 1/30 and keep the image sharp.