On August 3, 2024, the weather forecast for the region of St Barthelemy, Quebec, predicted a mix of clouds, sunshine, and possible thunderstorms.
Please have a look at the following magic moment photographed in July 2024 and published in my portfolio.
Consequently, I decided to go back to this beautiful area.
On the Route du Grand St-Jacques, I spotted those two lovely, curved cloud banks. It was the first time I had seen such a phenomenon. I slowed down and parked the car on the side of the road.
Handheld, I took my camera with my wide-angle lens, composed and framed the image using a 20 mm focal length, and set the aperture to F16 (35 mm eq). To achieve a perfect exposure (ETTR), I overexposed the scene by 1.7 stops.
Later, in post-production using Lightroom, I created a sky mask and performed a dehaze set at +20. I duplicated and inverted this mask and put the shadows to +100. Then, I pressed the AUTO button in LR to let the software perform all the other adjustments automatically.
This shot confirms my preference for these types of landscape shots with mixed cloudy skies and the need to scout appropriate locations not too far from home (less than a one-hour drive). I found this location several years ago using Google Maps.