I was lucky enough to spend a week on a 100-year-old sailing ship traveling through the Scoresby Sound of western Greenland. What an amazing experience that was, with icebergs and glaciers all around us every day, great company, and perfect weather.
We were able to get off the ship a number of times and travel by zodiac to land, or like when I took this photo, to places where the larger ship could not go. Twice, we spent time in the area they called the Iceberg Graveyard. That is where I took this photo.
This was taken during the blue hour on the second time we went into the iceberg area. Some of them were just massive and had such beautiful colours that it was hard to remember to push the shutter button rather than just sit there and say, "OH WOW" We were fortunate that there was no wind and we had perfect reflections. I have many photos from that outing, and it was hard to pick just one to share here!