In 2016 we eagerly planned for the super moon on November 14th. On that date, the moon would be the closest to the earth since several decades. The last time it occurred was in January of 1948. So my challenge was where would I take my image.
Using the Photoephemeris App I knew that moonrise would occur at 5:00 pm. Now where should I set up? Will I be on top of the Mount Royal to catch the moon over a city landscape? The app being linked with google map, I discovered a very small island, l’île à l’Aigle located in the St-Lawrence River facing the East side of Montreal Island. So at 4:15 pm I was on the spot. At around 4:45 I saw the colors of the coming rising moon.
I expected the moon to rise be-tween the trees. I moved my tripod and installed my telephoto lens to frame the trees in portrait ori-entation to capture reflections on the water. At 5:15pm, I used a focal length of 194 mm (35 mm eq). I overexposed the scene by one stop to have a perfect histogram. I think my planning paid off for this once in a lifetime opportunity.
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