The Alviela is a small river that rises near Alcanena and flows into the Tagus River in Vale de Figueira, Santarém. In this region, rainwater is quickly absorbed by the limestone soil, namely in the Minde Polje, and forms underground lakes and rivers, which rise to the surface at certain points, creating rivers such as the Alviela.
The climate is Mediterranean, with hot summers, relatively mild winters, infrequent but torrential rains, and many sunny days a year.
Walking along the banks of the Alviela a few days ago, on an afternoon with a cloudy sky, I was fascinated by the reflections of the riverside trees, now bare of leaves, on the fast-flowing waters of the Alviela. Even in colour mode, the image is almost black-and-white but still suggestive and attractive.
The use of a relatively slow shutter speed allowed me to capture the dynamics and fluidity of the river that passed at great speed near me.