This tranquil, seasonal runoff pool lies near the Taylor Rover's confluence and the Snoqualmie River's middle fork. Originally the "playground" of loggers and miners, the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River valley fell into a state of disrepute, playing home to drug dealers and users and garbage dumps. The valley was rescued and restored by a coalition of volunteers who worked alongside the Forest Service to clean up the valley and its trails. This scene lies just past milepost 11 of the valley, where you'll find the large car park of the Middle Fork trailheads and campground. A little further, the road becomes unmaintained, heavily rutted, and potholed as it crosses the Taylor River to a picnic area (the road is not recommended for low-clearance vehicles!). A short trail just before crossing the bridge leads to the river and a gravel/rock bar that contains the seasonal pool.