Melissa Miles

Born in Nashville, Tennessee, Melissa Miles discovered her passion for photography at the age of fourteen when she received her first camera. As a teenager, she enthusiastically captured moments with a 35 mm film camera, often focusing on her friends at school. However, it was the encouragement of the Church photographer that fueled her burgeoning interest in this visual art form. Melissa pursued her love for photography academically and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communications with a specialization in photography. During her college years, she honed her skills by photographing various events on campus for the university’s newspaper, Sidelines, where she also served as the photo editor. Over the years, Melissa has broadened her photographic horizons by studying under top industry experts. She delved into fine art landscape and macro photography, as well as exploring portraiture. Her lens has also captured the charm of pets, graduate and senior portraits, and lifestyle moments. Melissa firmly believes in staying abreast of evolving techniques and trends in photography. She continues her education through workshops, webinars, online classes, and contests. As a dedicated professional, she is an active member of the Professional Photographers of America.