Abraham Lake, Alberta, is famous for the incredible bubbles in the ice in winter. However, one of the other interesting features of the lake is the "trees in water" situation in autumn. Because the lake is man-made, because of the Bighorn Dam, and is used for power generation, in the fall, the lake is filled as full as it can be, before the mountain snow melt stops in the winter.
At this time, groves of aspen (poplar) trees growing at the edge of the lake are often completely under water in fall, and then as the waters recede with draining of the lake in the later fall and winter, the trees are left high and dry.
A group of us went to Abraham Lake in September, and with the low morning light shining from behind the foreground tree and the rippled reflections of other trees beyond, it made for a very different image! I was standing with chest waders in about three feet of water!
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