I had finally won a coveted "Wave" permit after applying countless times in advance and in person. I went to gather my permit the day before it was due and was told that the roads to the location had been the worst in years due to recent rainfall and snowmelt. However, I was determined.
I had a 4x4 vehicle but had never driven in deep mud and didn't want to risk getting stuck and having thousands of dollars of repairs. I also didn't want to miss a once in a lifetime opportunity to see The Wave covered in snow! I went ahead and found a photography tour online with Action Photo Tours. They said they were going to do their best to get out to The Wave tomorrow, and even though it was a couple hundred bucks, I figured it would be worth it.
The next day came and I woke up early in eager anticipation but also worried that I wouldn't be able to make it to the Wave. I met with the photo group, and we made the treacherous drive out. I realized I certainly would have gotten stuck, and I was glad I booked the tour.
The hike through the Vermillion Cliffs was beautiful, and I couldn't believe my eyes when we finally made it to the Wave. It was far more magnificent than any picture I had seen, and it was covered in snow! A perfect little puddle of snowmelt was right in front of the Wave, making for a stunning photograph and memory that I will always remember!
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