Cap Alright Lighthouse
Several years ago, we spent two wonderful weeks in “Les Îles de la Madeleine,” as shown in this image published in my portfolio.
This lovely lighthouse caught my eye, so I decided to take the shot in a wide landscape format to showcase the entire area. Backing away from my initial location, I looked for wildflowers to include in the foreground. I set up my tripod very low and composed this scene with the wildflowers in the foreground, the lighthouse and the colored cliffs in the far middle ground, and finally, the distant island and cloudy sky.
To ensure sharpness throughout my image, I composed the shot using a 24 mm focal length and an F11 aperture. I took two shots: the first focused on the last white wildflower in the foreground, and the second on the lighthouse. In postproduction, I blended the shots in the middle of the scene.
Looking at the final image, I understand why this archipelago is so popular. It lacks large buildings and visual distractions.